
Showing posts from February, 2021

Thank you, Next.

Dating after 30? Sucks. What does a 36 year old woman with 2 near grown kids have to offer to the dating pool? I clearly have to work on my self confidence... but it's a question that runs through my head on a regular basis. But to my surprise- I get quite a bit of suitors coming to call. Are any of them worthy? Obviously not. Why is dating in your 30's such a constant struggle? You can meet someone and not click at all but they still want something physical.  Or you can go out with someone and click really well and they don't want any commitment right now.  Like, what the fuck? Then what the hell are you here for? I just don't understand. I feel like this whole generation is damaged. Scarred. Something is wrong with us. We've all been emotionally wounded too much and not taught how to heal those wounds before trying to move on in our lives. I got married at 23 and divorced at 27. Marriage was clearly not in the cards for me. Since then, I have had 3